computers Quantum Computing Form bits to qubits: how computers leverage quantum quirks run things even faster.
Quantum Computing The Curious Cat Superposition, tunnelling, entanglement, and other bits and pieces of quantum mechanics.
Algorithms The Nature of the Profile Do users have a ‘body’ that exists independently from the online profile?
CERN The Beauty of Physics Join my journey from the mid-galactic black-hole to the keratin in your hair, and discover the beauty of physics.
Artificial Intelligence Artificial Irrelevance A super-smart AI may not be evil. But what it could be, is even more dangerous.
communication The Fediverse Why can’t people from different social networks stay in touch with each other?
Freud Freudian Typo The conscious, the subconscious, and the neural network of your smartphone’s keyboard.
Bitcoin Trust Money You can’t always trust people to pay you — but what if you could trust the money itself?
It Happened To Me WhoseApp? Why you may get WhatsApp messages from people you’ve never heard of before.