Your Brain on Tech
Taxi drivers’ brains
Cache Cab: Taxi Drivers' Brains Grow to Navigate London's Streets
Ferris Jabr, Scientific American, December 8, 2011
Musicians’ brains
Brain Structures Differ between Musicians and Non-Musicians
Christian Gaser, Gottfried Schlaug
Journal of Neuroscience 8 October 2003, 23 (27) 9240-9245
Skim Reading
Skim reading is the new normal. The effect on society is profound
Maryanne Wolf, The Guardian, 25 Aug 2018
Digital Amnesia
The Google Effect
Google Effects on Memory: Cognitive Consequences of Having Information at Our Fingertips
Betsy Sparrow, Jenny Liu, Daniel M. Wegner
Science 05 Aug 2011:
Vol. 333, Issue 6043, pp. 776-778
Phone use
How our phones disconnect us when we’re together
Genavee Brown, The Conversation, Feb. 2020
A mobile phone for Christmas doesn’t mean less family time for teenagers
Genavee Brown, The Conversation, December 10, 2019