Diversification — and a change in schedule
Hello, Snipette readers!
This is to inform you of some upcoming changes in content and scheduling. A lot of you sent in responses to our Year-End Survey, and after taking a careful look at them, we made some new decisions based on your feedback.
We’re glad to hear that you’re enjoying our articles, as well as being comfortable with their length! Snipette articles are longer than the average Medium piece, so we’re happy that, for most of you, extra length=extra fun!
We’d also like to thank you for all the positive comments in the ‘feedback’ section. It makes us happy to know we can sometimes brighten your day.
Time to diversify?
One impression we got from your responses is that a wider variety of articles would be welcome. These include more coverage of topics — such as Design or Philosophy — as well as new kinds of pieces, like fiction and poetry.
Over the next few months, we’ll try to include more of these topics, so do comment and let us know how you’re liking them.
This is also a good opportunity for new writers to join us — so, if you or your friends are interested, do let us know and spread the word.
Change in schedule
Going by you reading habits, we realised it makes more sense to release articles on weekdays rather than weekends. So we’re changing the Snipette schedule.
From now on, articles will come out on Fridays instead of Sundays. And the Weekly Email will come out on Saturday, for the weekend audience.
We hope this will make it more convenient for you to read Snipette, as well as help us reach a wider audience.
Send us feedback!
What do you think of these changes? Are there modifications you’d like to make? Perhaps an even better timing you’d prefer? Don’t hesitate to comment, tweet us, or simply reply to this email. We’re always happy to hear from you!
— Manasa and Badri, editors at Snipette